
Longest-probe bound for hashing

Open addressing is the hashing technique in which for inserting an element in the table firstly we search for the elements if it is already contained in it, the search returns either the element or the free space in the array to fill that element.

In uniform hashing technique sequence of elements to be search can be any of the m! permutation inthat is this technique gives the method of searching which search in the full list for the single element in the generalized way.

For the storage of n elements wherein a hash table of capacity m items it uses the open addressing technique.

a . In the process of insertion of an element by using uniform hashing technique if the element is not found in the table then it is inserted into the first slot which do not contain any element.

Ifis the load factor that is to search an element which is not found in the table then the total expected probes is maximum of.

Assuming that a variable chosenrepresents the probes which do not return the required variable then . We know that then. The probability of insertion of element in a hash table that uses uniform hashing requires not less than k probes so thus,



Thus for insertion of element in the hash table by using uniform hashing where the probability of storage is not more thanwhen it searches more than k times.

b . For insertion of element in the hash table by using uniform hashing where the probability of storage is not more thanwhen it searches more than k times that is

Here the probes required for the insertion of element in hash table is more than .

Thus, .

By using formulae of logarithm:


Hence the probability of storage for the insertion of element is for when it probes elements in the table.

c. The insertion of element in the table requires searches and represents the total number of searches necessary for the insertion of n elements.

Consider an event A for which the number of probes X are such that, and in event the number of probes, for . Then probability of events is as:

For n number of events according to the Bool’s inequality:

Then for the set A of n events,

Hence if the insertion of element in the table requires searches and if represents the total number of searches necessary for the insertion of n elements then:

d . The expected length of the probe sequence for k probes is given by the formulae:

Breaking the sequence into two parts one from and the other from then,

For the searching of element for which the number of probes less than then

and for the search when number of probes are greater thanthen



Hence, the expected total lengthof the maximum length probe succession is.



The probability to hash a key to a specific slot is. Then the probability to hash a particular set of k keys to a specific slot and remaining keys to other slots is .

Here, k keys can be selected from n keys, in number of ways.

Thus, the probability to hash a set of k keys to a particular slot is as follows:


Assume a random variable, which denotes the number of keys hash to the slot. And assume that denotes an event that the number of keys hashed to slot i is equal to k(That is, ). In part (a), it is already proved that ,


, where, M is the maximum numbers of keys in any slot after all the keys have been hashed.

Now, put the values in the above expression:

In other words,

(By Boole’s inequality)

Thus, .


To show the given in equality, first consider the following inferences:

• The probability. Thus, also.

• It is already known that.


• From the Stirling’s approximation, .

Consider the value of :



If = 2, then is also 0. Therefore, assume.

From part (c), it is proved that for every k. Thus, it is also true for k = k0. That is, .

Now, it is enough to prove that or .

After taking logarithms on both sides, the condition is as follows:

Suppose .

• Now, it is required to prove the existence of a constant that is greater than 1 such that . It is noting that .

Here, it can be observed that there exists a value n0, such that . Thus, c > 6 works for .

Thus, the value of n can be in the range and for each value of n in this range, a value for c can be determined so that 3 < cx.

Therefore, it is proved that

Now, it is remained to prove that .

For k=k0,

Here, To prove the given condition, choose a large value for c such that . Then for all .

Thus, ek/kk decreases as k increases.

Therefore, , where


The M ‘s expectation will be calculated as

Now, put the values in the above expression, then user will obtain;

Then use the above results, the user obtained:

After putting the values, user will obtain the following:

Since it is given that


It is known that

and then,

Now, put the values in the above expression

Hence it is concluded that

After putting the values:

This implies:

Therefore, .


Quadratic probing

Quadratic probing or quadratic hashing is the hashing technique which reduces the collision in the table and it can be given by the following formulae,

Where is any hash function, are the constants and is bucket size, k is the key to be inserted.

To prove that the scheme of hashing problem is an instance of quadratic probing a numerical example is taken as consider and.

The numbers 29, 21, 13, 37 are the keys which we already inserted in the table for the schema now we will search for number 37 in the table below:









Firstly searching a number in the above table by using the scheme of searching by taking.


But at position 1 the value 29 is there so increase the value of i for next step

but at position2 the value 21 is there in the table so

at position0 the value is found hence the search complete.

Now searching the same value by using general Quadratic probing formulae:

Assuming the valueand and put these in quadratic formula as:

searching for 37

at position1 the value 37 is not found so increase i by 1 that is .

at position 2 the key 37 is not found so.

at position 3 the key 37 is not found so.

at position 0 the key 37 is found.

Hence for constants and of “Quadratic probing” it shows the behavior same as the hashing scheme.

b. Proving that for searching any key k in the table by using the search scheme it searches each position of the table if the key is not present in the table.

In the worst case that is when the key is not present in the table we search for each and every element of the table to match each key of table with the element to search.

The given algorithm searches each and every bucket of the table if the given key is not present in the table

Example: Search for 4 in the above hash table.

but at position 0, the value 29 is there so

but at position1 the key 21 is there so for next iteration

at position 3, the key 13 is present.

at position 0 the value 37 is found.

So element 4 is not present and we terminate search. We have searched each position of table.

Hence in the worst case that is if key is not present in the table or present in the reverse order then the search scheme probes in each position of the table.


Hashing and authentication

In a class of hash functions H each hash function maps a universe U which has keys to the value set.

The set H is k-universal that is for each unchangeable successionof k keys that are distinct and for any hash function h chosen randomly from the set the successioncan be one from sequences which have length k with.

a . If the hash family H is 2-universal then each of its hash functions contain two keys so for the keysin a hash function h, the sequencecan be any of sequence in the set.

Therefore, as the hash function h changes within the set of hash functions H, the count of collisionsis, and H is universal.

Hence if has set is 2-universal then this class H is universal class too.

b . The universe U is a class of n-tuples of the values that are taken from a sethere p is prime number. If an element, for any of n-tuple the hash function is represented as:

Proving that is universal set but this universal set is not 2-universal.

Assuming that a hash function h is selected from the hash family H with the key and b at random that is without any prior information. Then for the successionhash function will never be the sequence from the set

Hence H will not be a 2-universal class.

c . If the class of hash functions H is changed asfor the keysand the hash function:

Proving that H’ is 2-universal class.

For a 2-universal hash class it is must that for each key pairwhen in a hash function the values have equal probability to occur when hash function is selected at random from hash class H. For the changes in the hash function this is proved as:

If, we must have for some i. Assume without any loss in precision or generality. We define


.The equations for and are andIt is clear that and p is prime, so the solution for the equations of and will be unique for and b.

Consider that for the generation of all pairs of we must control over the and without any dependency. We have


The expressionis existing and it not repeating because and the value of p is prime. So can be made according to the need by selecting a according to condition. If we do so then we can also make according to our need by taking b as required.

This puts a unique value of offset to and, by ignoring the difference mod p as it is. So, for, there is a hash functionthat produces the values forby selecting the correct values of and b.

We know that there are choices possible forand b, and this is also true for, and each is produced by taking only a single value of and b. This is right for each selections of.

Hence, there are only functions which is used to produce the value pairsand allhave equal probability of being selected when is selected at random, so hash family H is 2-universal.

d . Assuming that Alice and Bob agreed on a hash function such that every hash function maps the set of keys U to the values in the sethere p is prime value.

After some time Alice has sent a message to Bob over internet with the certification that and Bob has got the message in the form offeels satisfied by seeing tag t.

An unauthenticated person fools Bob by replacing with. Then argue that the probability of receiving the messages withis, without any effect of number of opponent and computing power of internet.

In the hash class for a set of keys, all the hash value sets are selected with same likeliness when the hash function h is selected at random. In this case H will be 2-universal so all p pairsin the hash class are equally probable.

Hence if the opponent knows hash class H, then seeingtells him almost everything about. Since for all the p cases the probability is equal and so the sum of this probability must be 1, for all have probability and the opponent can do nothing but to guess.

Chegg Rip, Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition. [RipVer 0.1] (index)