
Consider that y is a node in a binary search tree and left child of y is x. Subtree is the right subtree of y. , are the left subtree and right subtree of x respectively.

When the right rotation is applied on the node y, the following occurs:

• RIGHT-ROTATE makes right child of x as left child of y.

• y’s parent is set as x’s parent

• Finally, RIGHT-ROTATE makes y as right child of the x and x as parent of y so that x becomes the new root of the subtree.

The pseudo code for RIGHT-ROTATE is as follows:


1. x = y.left // set x

2. y.left = x.right

3. if x.rightT.nil

4. x.right.p = y

5. x.p = y.p // link y’s parent to x

6. if y.p = T.nil

7. T.root = x

8. elseif y = = y.p.right

9. y.p.right = x

10. else y.p.left = x

11. x.right = y // put y on x’s right

12. y.p = x


The following is the given binary search tree:

Picture 2

Consider a, b and c to be the arbitrary nodes of sub trees , and respectively.

To understand easily, Assume that, and has only node a, node b and node c respectively.

Apply left rotation on node x and then the tree is as follows:

Picture 3

Now, Following changes in depths of a, b, and c are observed after left rotation:

• Depth of node a is increased by 1.

• Depth of node b is remains same.

• Depth of node c is decreased by 1.


(no answer available from chegg)
Chegg Rip, Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition. [RipVer 0.1] (index)