
Delete a key from B-tree

The minimum degree for B-tree is t=3, so a node cannot have less than 2 keys.

Initial tree:

Picture 5

C deleted: case 3a

The node C can be deleted by merging the siblings and moving a key E from the root x.ci

Picture 14

P deleted: case 2b

Since sibling that precedes P has less than t keys and sibling that follows P has t keys, replace the P’s position by the key Q that is the succor of P.

Picture 13

V deleted: case 3a

The node V can be deleted by merging the siblings and moving a key X from the root x.ci

Picture 11


B-Tree deletion is the process of deleting the node from binary tree. Deletion of key may be leaf node or internal node of tree.

• If key is deleted from internal node then it required to rearrange the children of that particular node.

• For better understanding the whole algorithm is divided into three cases, according to the node that is deleted from the tree.

Following Pseudo code is used for B-TREE DELETION.

B-Tree-Delete (T, k)

// store the root of tree into variable b

1. b = root[T]

//find the key k which user want to delete

2. B-Tree-Delete-key(b, k)

// if key is not leaf node

3. if n[b]=0 and not leaf[b]

//copy the index of key into root of tree.

4. root[T]= c1[b]

//deallocate the key

5. De-Allocate-node(b)

Consider the three possible cases to remove a node from B-Tree. Assume k be the key to be deleted and j be the node that containing the key value.

Case 1:

If k is the key in node j and j is the leaf node then apply the following procedure to delete the node.

B-Tree-Delete-key (j, k)

//start traversing from index i.

1 i = 1

//search the key for deletion

2 while i <= n[j] and k > keyi[j]

// increment the key value by 1

3 do i=i+1

// if statement is used to perform the action if key k is found

4 if i<=n[x] and k=keyi[j] and leaf[j]

//simply delete the key

5 Disk-Write(j)

6 return

Case 2:

• If k is the key in node j and j is an internal node then there are three possible cases to delete the node.

• In the following algorithm check the minimum key for deletion.

// check the value of index i and key value

7 if i<=n[j] and k=keyi[j]

//traverse the node in tree.

8 then Disk-Read(ci[j])

//when if statement is false then store the index number of node into variable y.

9 y = ci[j]

//if node of y is greater or equal then find the minimum key t

10 if n[y] >= t

//store the minimum key

11 then a=keyn[y][y]

Case 2a:

If the child y of node a having at least t keys, then find the predecessor key k’ in the sub tree. Delete k’ and replace k with k’ in a.

12 B-Tree-Delete-key (y, a)

//find the minimum key j of node a

13 keys[j] = a

//save the value of minimum key

14 Disk-Write(j)

15 return

//traverse all internal node of child node y

16 Disk-Read(ci+1[j])

//copy the content into variable z

17 z = ci+1[j]

Case 2b:

If the child m that follows key k have at least t key, then find the successor key k’ in the sub tree. Delete k’ and replace k with k’ in a.

//if node of m is greater or equal then find the minimum key t

18 if n[m] >= t

//find the minimum key of node m

19 a=key1[m]

//delete the key node.

20 B-Tree-Delete-key (m, a)

//copy the key value.

21 keyi[j] = a

22 Disk-Write(j)

23 return

Case 2c:

If both child y and m have t−1 keys then merge all key k and m into y so y contain 2t-1 keys and subsequently delete each key.

//copy the key value of m into y

24 keyt[y] = keyi[m]

//for loop is used to perform the operation till the key value

25 for j = i to n[j]-1

// copy the key value of index j+1

26 keyj[a] = keyj+1[a]

27 cj+1[a] = cj+2[a]

28 n[a] = n[a]-1

29 Disk-Write(a)

30 for j = t+1 to 2t-1

31 do keyj[y] = keyj-t[z]

32 cj[y] = cj-t[z]

33 c2t[y] = ct[z]

34 n[y]=2t-1

35 Disk-Write(y)

36 B-Tree-Delete-key (y, a)

37 return

Case 3:

• If key node is not present in internal node a it means the root of subtree contain the key k .

• If the root of tree have t-1 keys but there sibling have t keys then traverse the left and right sibling of tree for deletion the key.

• If the root of tree have t-1 keys and there sibling also have t-1 keys then traverse the left and right sibling of tree for deletion the key.

// if the key is not present in leaf node

38 if not leaf[a]

//find the root of minimum key k.

39 s = ci[a]

//traverse the subtree to find minimum key

40 Disk-Read(s)

// if the root has t-1 key

41 if n[s] = t-1

//travrse the child of rooted tree.

42 Disk-Read(ci-1[a])

//if the sibling have t key

43 if n[ci-1[a]] > t-1

//increse the key value of root by 1

44 n[s] = n[s]+1

//for loop is used to travrse all node of subtree.

45 for j=n[s] downto 2

//move the key value of j-1 location.

46 keyj[s] = keyj-1[s]

//move the key value of j location

47 cj+1[s] = cj[s]

//travrse the appropriate children of node a in the tree.

48 Disk-Write(a)

49 Disk-Write(ci-1[a])

50 Disk-Write(s)

Analysis of Algorithm:

• In the above algorithm three different cases is used to delete the node from tree.

• If the node is the leaf node then directly delete the key value k from tree.

• When a key node present in internal node then it required rearranging the children of that particular node to go one step up to rearrange the node by its predecessor or successor.

• If node that is deleted is internal node then the key value k is deleted according to the case 2 of algorithm.

• If the key k is not presented in internal node then the node is deleted according to the case 3 of algorithm.

Hence, the time complexity of algorithm will be .

Chegg Rip, Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition. [RipVer 0.1] (index)