
Insertion Sort:

It is one of a sorting technique which is used to sort the elements of list in particular fashion. In insertion sort a single list is divided into list: sorted and unsorted list. In starting sorted list is empty, in each step one element is taken from the unsorted list and put it in proper place in sorted list.

The worst case complexity of insertion sort is. It means insertion sort takes maximum time to sort a list having n elements. The time taken by insertion sort to sort lists each having k elements is

The worst-case time complexity of insertion sort to sort the sub lists each of length k is .

If user uses 2-list merge to merge all lists it would take time because then user need n time to copy each element and create a new sorted list. Also there are of total n/k list to be merged.

But to achieve time, one can use pairwise merging. So, user starts with initial lists and makes pairs of them and merges them. After this step there are some resultant lists which are sorted. Then again user does the same to those resultant lists by applying pairwise merging and this process will go on till user will end up with a single list.

Since merging needs time at each level and there are of total of ceil height of tree because at starting the number of list starts with n/k. So, the total running time for merging is.

Therefore, using the above process it is possible to merge sub lists in worst case time.

The complexity of modified algorithm is. The worst case complexity of merge sort is.

In modified algorithm the largest value of k should not be more than, in order to make complexity equal to merge sort.

The value of k should not be more than,

Now put in modified algorithm complexity

Here ignoring constant and taking the higher turn will give the complexity

Now to check that it is the maximum value for k, assume the value for k greater than

…… (1)

Multiply by n on both sides, the equation (1) will become

…… (2)

From equation (2), the complexity will become,

Ignore lower term.

But this contradicts the condition that the complexity cannot exceed the running time of original merge sort.

Hence the value for k should not be greater than .

Since it is a constant factor, so user must select the value of k for which merge sort takes more time than insertion sort. Also this value will vary from computer to computer.


A bubble sort is a sorting algorithm which is used to arrange elements of an array in ascending or descending order. In each iteration, the algorithm checks adjacent elements to determine whether the first element is smaller than later element or not, if not, elements are exchanged.

Two prove that bubble sort is correct, the output array must be in sorted order and the elements in the output array must be the elements in the original elements in A (irrespective of their order).

• Since it is already given that the output array contains the sorted elements, it is enough to prove contains all the elements of A.

• In other words, it is enough to prove that one of the permutations of A is same as.

A loop invariant is any condition or value of any variable in a program that must be true before and after each iteration of any loop.

• The goal of for loop in lines 2-4 is to place the least element of the sub array A[i,n] at ith position.

• At the start of each iteration of for loop defined in line 2-4, the sub-array A contains elements of A but only in index between j and n.

• At the end or start of for loop from line 2-4, the jth position contains the smallest element between j and n.


In starting of ‘for’ loop defined in line 2-4, the value of j is equal to n. The sub array A contains only one element which is smallest among j and n. Therefore the loop invariant trivially holds.


• The 3rd line compares the jth and j-1th element of array A in each iteration of for loop. When the jth element is smaller than j-1th element, then the 4th line of BUBBLESORT() algorithm swaps these two elements.

• Swapping will not alter the permutation so loop invariant will hold true.

• At the end of each iteration, the ith position contains the smallest element between j and n, because the last comparison happens between, jth and ith elements.

• Decreasing the value of j after every iteration will maintains the invariant.


• The ‘for’ loop terminates when value of j becomes equal to i.

• After the termination of inner for loop the ith index contains the smallest element between i and n.

Loop invariant:

In each iteration of for loop defined in line 1-4, the sub-array contains i-1 elements in ascending order.


In starting of ‘for’ loop defined in line 1-4, the value of i is equal to 1. The sub array does not contain any elements. Therefore the loop invariant holds.


• According to part (b), the inner for loop defined in line 2-4, stores the smallest element at i.

• Also, in each iteration, i value is incremented by 1.

• That is, after ith iteration, sub arraycontains i number of smallest elements of array, in sorted order.


• The outer ‘for’ loop terminates when the value of i becomes equal to n-1.

• That is, after the termination of the outer for loop, the arraycontains the elements of original array in sorted order.

• The running time of any algorithm depends on number of times the basic operation executes.

• In BUBBLESORT() algorithm two for loops are used to compare elements(basic operation).

• The iteration of inner for loop defined in line 2-4 depends on the value of i.

When value of i is 1 then inner for loop iterates times, similarly when value of i is 2 then inner for loop iterates times. So, for i the inner for loop iterates times

Add and subtract n

Hence, the running time of BUBBLESORT () algorithm becomes , because n 2 is the dominant.

Comparison with Insertion sort:

• Consider the insertion sort algorithm provided in section 2.2. The running time of insertion sort in worst case is also and in the best case the complexity is reduced to.

• In the bubble sort mentioned above, the complexity will remain same that is in both worst and best cases.


Correctness of Horner’s rule

a) Line 1 executes only one time to initialize the value of y to zero.

Line 2 executes n times as the single for loop goes from n to 0.

Line 3 executes 1 times.

The running time is 1+n+1=n+2.

Hence the running time of the given code for Horner’s rule in terms of Θ-notation

is Θ(n).

b) PSEUDOCODE for NAIVE polynomial – evaluation algorithm is


1. y ← 0

2. for i ← 0 to length(P)

3.     do ai ← P[i]

4.         z ← 1

5.         for j ← 1 to i

6.             do z ← x·z

7.         y ← y + ai·z

8. return y

Here y will contain the coefficients of the polynomial P.

Running time of NAIVE polynomial – evaluation algorithm is the Θ(n2). There

are two for loops. The inner for loop executes for n times and outer for loop executes for n times. Hence the running time of this algorithm is Θ(n2).

The running time of Horner’s rule is Θ(n) whereas the running time of NAIVE

polynomial – evaluation algorithm is the Θ(n2).

c) The loop invariant proofs consist of three parts: Initialization, Maintenance and


Initialization: Initialize y = 0 and i = n at the beginning of the loop. i

Maintenance: For each iteration of the loop, is calculated and is assigned to y and in the next loop iteration the value y is used as a coefficient to x.

Termination: When the loop terminates with a condition i < 0 and when the last iteration finishes, the ‘i’ value becomes less than 0. When the loop terminates, i = -1 and at that iteration the y value becomes

d) To conclude that the given code correctly evaluates a polynomial, let take an


According to Horner’s rule the polynomial evaluation will be as follows.

Step 1:

= 12

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Usual Polynomial Method of Evaluation


Thus it can be concluded that Horner’s rule correctly evaluates a polynomial equation.


Consider an array of n distinct elements. Pair is called an inversion of array if the condition and is satisfied.


Consider an array to calculate the inversion.

Take and (index start with 0).

Then and .

According to the definition of inversion and.

So the pair of inversion will be.

Similarly, the remaining four inversions are .

Therefore, all the five inversions are as follows .


Arrange the elements in the set in reverse and store them in the array.

The elements in the array in reverse order are . This array has most inversion.

Calculate the total number of inversion in array is as follows:

Where first element has inversion and second element has inversion and so on.


Relationship between the running time of insertion sort and the number of inversions in input array:

• In insertion sort every unsorted element of array is swapped by adjacent element.

• The process of insertion sort decreases the number of inversions in array A, because the element at location and will no longer is an inversion.

• If array has k inversion with then the element before m are sorted.

• Total number of iteration required in insertion sort is and inversion is perform only when and.

• So finally running time is where c indicates the number of inversion because inversion is required only for unsorted data.


Modified merge sort algorithm is to determine the number of inversion in n permutation.


// p is the starting point of array and r is the last index.

1. If

// set the value of inversion

2. Inversion= 0

//calculate the value of q


// find the value of inversion where A is the Array name

4. inversions= inversions+ MERGE–SORT

5. inversions= inversions+ MERGE–SORT

6. inversions= inversions+ MERGE

// return the inversion

7. return inversions

// else part execute when if part is false

8. else

9. return 0

//count the total inversion


//store the value in variable .


//store the value in variable


// take two new array and

3. for

// store the value of array A at ith location of array B


5. for


// initialize the value of i and j



//another for loop is used to traverse from p to r

9. for

//if index i is greater than

10. if

//copy the content of array B into array A


// increment the value of j by 1

12. j++

//if index j is greater than

13. else if

//copy the content of array B into array A


// increment the value of j by 1

15. i++

16. else


18. j++

//find the inversion

19. inversions= inversions

20. return inversions

Explanation of algorithm:

• Merge sort algorithm uses the index values of the array.

• If initial index is less than the final array then initialize the value of inversion.

• Calculate the value of q.

• Find the value of inversion according to the line number 4, 5 and 6 of merge short algorithm.

• Next algorithm is used to count total number of inversion.

• Two new arrays are used to store the temporary value of explicit array.

• Different for loop is used to count the inversion at all specific value of array.

Chegg Rip, Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition. [RipVer 0.1] (index)