

Undirected Breadth –First Search graph properties:


Consider an edge (u, v) to be a back edge or a forward edge of an undirected graph.

• Then, one vertex, say u, is a proper ancestor of another vertex, say v, in the breadth-first tree.

• As all edges of u are explored before exploring any edges of the descendants of u, the edge (u, v) is explored at the time when u is explored.

• Then it is concluded that the edge (u, v) is a tree edge.

Hence, there are no back edges and no forward edges in a Breadth –First Search of an undirected graph.


• In BFS, an edge (u, v) is a tree edge when is set. It can be done only when.

• Once the values are set, neither nor change thereafter.

• Thus, when BFS completes.

Hence, for each tree edge (u, v), .


Assume (u, v) to be a cross edge where u is visited before v.

• As u is visited before v, vertex v must already be on the queue when u is visited.

• If not, the edge (u, v) will become a tree edge. Therefore, v is in the queue.

• As v is in the queue, by lemma 22.3 give in the textbook.

• According to corollary 22.4 given in the textbook, .

• From above two points, either or.

Hence, for each cross edge (u, v), either or.


Directed Breadth –First Search graph properties:


Consider (u, v) to be a forward edge.

• Then the edge (u, v) is explored at the time when u is explored.

• If not, the edge (u, v) will become a tree edge.

• As the graph is directed, the edge (u, v) will not be a tree edge.

• Therefore, our assumption is wrong and ( u, v) is not a forward edge.

Hence, there are no forward edges.


• In BFS, an edge (u, v) is a tree edge when is set. It can be done only when.

• Once the values are set, neither nor change thereafter.

• Thus, when BFS completes.

Hence, for each tree edge (u, v), .


Assume (u, v) to be a cross edge where u is visited before v.

• As u is visited before v, vertex v must already be on the queue when u is visited.

• If not, the edge (u, v) will become a tree edge. Therefore, v is in the queue.

• As v is in the queue, by lemma 22.3 give in the textbook.

Hence, for each cross edge (u, v), .


• Clearly for all vertices v, .

• Back edge (u, v) means that v is an ancestor of u in the breadth first tree.

• The vertex found by following one edge has a depth larger than the previous vertex. Hence,

Hence, for each back edge (u, v), .


Articulation points, bridges, and bi-connected components

a . Consider that is a depth-first tree of, where G is a connected and an undirected graph. Suppose that root of contains no children and it is an empty tree having the root element only, without any child element. Thus, the root of will not have any edge adjacent to it and therefore, its removal from the graph will not disconnect.

Also, if the root of has one children then deleting the root will not lead to a disconnected graph since there is only one edge between root and its only child and all the other nodes in the graph are reachable and can be traversed through the single child node of the root. Thus, root of is not an articulation point of if it has no or one child.

Articulation point is also known as a cutvertex of a connected graph which when deletes or removes breaks the graph into number of connected components or pieces.

Figure given below representing an undirected graph with three articulation points:

Picture 2

Now, if the root has at least two children then, since there are no cross edges between them and the children nodes are present in the separate sub-tree of the root so no path exist between them and therefore, deleting root will delete the link between the two or more child and thus, graph disconnects which makes the root of an articulation point.

Thus, from the aboveconsiderations, it is proved that the root having at least two children will be an articulation point.

Hence, the root of is an articulation point of; if and only if it has at least two children in.

b. If is a non-root vertex of and has a child such that there is no back edge fromor any descendent of s to proper ancestor of then removal of will lead the disconnection of the sub-tree rooted at form the graph. Thus, absence of any edge between the descendent of s and proper ancestors of resulted in the disconnection of the graph after removing a non-root vertex.

Therefore, will be an articulation point as after extracting it there will not be any path existing between the root of the graph and child ofwhich is s.

Hence, a non-root vertex of is an articulation point of as its removal disconnects the.

c. Consider that,

To compute v.low for all vertices v in time, depth first search approach of traversing can be used or applied by making the little modifications in it.

For detail description for DFS consider the section 22.3 of this test book

Below algorithm is based on DFS; in this algorithm, visiting process is perform on complete graph and for indication of process grey, white and black color are used.

For brief detail of progress of the depth-first search algorithm DFS on a directed graph, see the Figure 22.4 of the text book.



// u is vertex of set V of graph G and color variables are used for storing its state

// for each vertex u, use GRAY for the discovered but non-finished state


// initializing the for loop for each adjacent to u

for each Adj

// for undiscovered state




if = GRAY // back edge


// for the finished state


This above algorithm is mostly same as the algorithm mention in the text book of section 22.3. So for complexity measurement, consider the details of the text book:

This is a bit modified version of the depth-first search and its running time can be given by.

Since for a connected graph,

Therefore, time complexity will be .

d. Computation of all articulation points:

Articulation point is also known as a cut vertex of a connected graph. It breaks the graph into two or more connected components or pieces when deleted or removed.

In order to compute all the articulation points of a graph in time, the algorithm described in part cand the Depth First Search (DFS) can be explored and used.

A depth first search algorithm searches or traverses the nodes of the graph in a preorder manner and having the running time complexity of, where is the number of edges and be the number of vertices.

Thus, for computing the articulation point, start from the root of graphand check for the number of child of root node or root vertex.

If root has more than one child Then as proven in part a, root is an articulation point else root is notan articulation point.

For any vertices of other than the root, check for its child. If the vertexes sayhas a child say such that which had already been computed in part c and from part b also it can be inferred that there is no back edge between the sub-tree rooted at and ancestors of a non-root vertex.

Thus, will be an articulation point because its removal will lead to a disconnected graph. Now, as each node is being traversed and checked for its child, so it can be done in time. But, since for a connected graph, therefore time complexity will be.

Thus, all the articulation points can be computed in time.

e. A bridge of is an edge when remove, disconnects. It is also known as Cut edge or Cut Arc and its deletion from the graph increases or increments the number of connected components.

For example: Figure of an undirected connected graph with 3 bridges and no bridge or cut edge is as given below:

C:\Users\evelyn 16\Desktop\CDR TIP\4.tif

C:\Users\evelyn 16\Desktop\CDR TIP\6.tif

Suppose has a bridge. Here, it is required to prove that it should not lie on any simple cycle of graphor in another words it is asked to prove that an edge of is a bridge if and only if it is not contained in any cycle or circuit. … … (1)

Proof by contradiction:

Suppose that the bridge lie on a simple cycle of the graph and it has been removed. But even then, the graph will not be disconnected since the removal of an edge from avertices cycle will not result in the disconnection of the graph. That is the graph will still remain connected which is a contradiction to the definition of a bridge which states the graph dissociates or detaches after removing a Cut edge or a bridge.

Therefore, it can be stated that if G has a bridge then it should not lay on any simple cycle or circuit of graph.

Hence proved

Now, also suppose that there is an edge which does not lie on any simple cycle of graph and therefore, here it is required to prove that the edge which is not a part of any cycle is a bridge … … (2)


Consider that there is an edge which does not lie on any simple cycle of graph. Therefore, that edge which is not a part of any elementary cycle or circuit will be the only link between the two vertices set connected by it, therefore its removal will lead to a disconnected graph and will break the link and the path between those two vertices that are connected to each other by that deleted edge.

Hence, an edge which does not lie on any simple cycle of graph is a bridge and its removal will disconnect the graph.

Hence proved

Therefore, from (1) and (2) it can be stated that “An edge of is a bridge if and only if it does not lie on any simple cycle of”.

f. A bridge of is an edge whose removal disconnects. It is also known as Cut edge or Cut Arc. Using the algorithm described in part c; for a vertex in the DFS-VISIT has been computed.

If there is a child vertex of whose, then removal of that edge will disconnect and.

Now, as it had already been established that there are no back edges fromor any descendent of s to proper ancestor of, therefore the edge between vertex and is not lying on any simple cycle ofand thus, makes it a bridge or a cut edge.

As in part c, it is already shown that computation of v.low or for all vertices v takes time.

Thus, traversing all the edges of takes the time complexity of as the total number of edges present inis therefore, all the bridges of the graph can be calculated in time.

g. A bi-connected component of is a maximal set of edges such that any two edges in the set lie on a common simple cycle. It is also known as the 2-connected or a maximal connected graph.

Since, it is already defined above that any two edges in the set of a bi-connected component of lie on a common simple cycle thus, all the edges which are lying inside a component of the graph will not be bridges as it has been proved earlier that an edge of is a bridge if and only if it does not lie on any simple cycle of. Thus, in other words, it can be said that all the edges other than those lying on the bi-connected component of will be bridge edges because they do not lie on any simple cycle of graph.

Hence, it can be stated that the bi-connected components of partitions the non-bridges of the graph.

h. An -time algorithm to label each edge of with a positive integersuch that

if and only if and are in the same bi-connected component.

For solving the problem stated above, first calculate the bridge edges and cut vertices. Once the bride edges have been calculated it is required to remove all the bridge edges and after then apply Modified-DFS on each cut vertex. Increase when the next white child of a cut vertex is visited.

// here is a vertex, is the current bi-connected component number

// increase when visit next white child of cut vertex



for each

if = WHITE

if is cut vertex



In the above algorithm, “for” loop runs up-to number of vertices and remain checking condition takes constant time. So to visit full graph with the help of DFS method, it takes total time of number of edges present in the graph. Thus, the complexity will be.


Euler Tour:

It is path in directed graph in which each edges is visited exactly once, whereas a vertex can be visited more than once.


The number edges move toward any particular vertex v is called as in-degree of that vertex. The number of edges moves outward from any particular vertex v is called as out-degree of that vertex v.

When in-degree and out-degree of each vertex is graph is same then only an Euler tour is possible in directed graph. It is because Euler tour is nothing but a combination of Euler Cycle. When number edges moves toward any vertexes are not equal to number of vertex move outward then it will not make proper cycle in which each edges is used exactly once.

Consider the following graph to show the Euler tour when in-degree and out-degree of each vertex is same:



• The above graph G has 5 vertices. The in-degree and out-degree of 4 vertices and e is 4. The in-degree and out-degree of vertex a is 2.

• The above Graph G has 2 cycles. The first cycle is and second cycle is. Therefore, the Euler tour of above graph is.

• In Euler tour of above graph each edge is visited once whereas the vertex a is visited thrice.

Consider another graph which has one more edge from vertex e to d. Consider the following graph show the Euler tour is not possible when in-degree and out-degree of each vertex is not same:



• The new edge e to d is represented with the dotted lines in graph.

• The in-degree and out-degree of vertex d is not same. The in-degree of vertex d is 2 where as its out-degree is 1. Similarly the in-degree of vertex e is 1 where as its out-degree is 2.

• Therefore the above graph does not have Euler tour. It is not possible to determine a path in each edge is visited exactly once.

Hence, Euler tour is possible only when in-degree and out-degree of each vertex is same.


The main idea behind to determine the Euler tour is to determine all Euler cycle in graph G and then combine all cycles. Consider the following algorithm to determine the Euler tour:


1. Declare a doubly linked list Z.

2. Declare singly linked list W and store arbitrary vertex v in it.

//loop continue iterate till W is not empty

3. while W is NOT EMPTY

4. REMOVE v from W


//check current cycle is the first cycle

6. if Z is NIL


8. else

9. ADD R in Z

10. return Z


1. Declare a singly linked list R


//loop continue iterate till out-degree is greater than 0

3. while

// find adjacent vertex

4. Determine u’s adjacent vertex q and remove it from adjacent_list


6. Add u in list R

// check out-degree is greater than 0

7. if

8. ADD u in list W


10. return R

Time complexity:

• The while loop in FIND-TOUR procedure iterates till list W is not empty. The FIND-TOUR procedure visit each edges of graph G exactly only once, after visiting the vertex it get removed from adjacent adjacency list. Therefore none of the edges visited more than once. Therefore the maximum length of list W can be.

• The while loop is CYCLE procedure iterate once for one edges therefore total number of iteration done in CYCLE procedure is. The CYCLE procedure also adds vertex u in list W which takes constant time.

Therefore the time complexity of finding the Euler tour using above algorithm is .


Reachability is the ability to move from one vertex to another vertex in a directed graph. A node in a directed graph is reachable from other node in the graph say for example nodes P and Q, Then Q is reachable from P if there exists an edge from node P to node Q or there exists a Transitive Closure such that there exists a node R which is reachable from P (it means there exists an edge between the nodes P and R) and thus Q is also reachable from R.

Consider the following definition of certain labels used for the vertices

• Min : to denote the min(u) for node u.

• L : to denote the label of particular node


// Function which takes a transpose of graph as a parameter

SetMin(Graph G)

// loop to assign color and min as -1

1. for each

2. u.color = White

3. u.min = -1

// loop to which user run DFS on different nodes

// this loop choose u in increasing order

4. for each

// if color is white i.e. unvisited

5. if u.color == White

// calling DFS()

6. DFS(u,u)


// traversing each node adjacent to V

1. for each k G.adj[u]

// if unvisited condition

2. if (k.color == WHITE)

// assigning min value

3. k.min =L(V)

4. k.color = GREY

// then applying DFS

5. DFS(u,V)

The above algorithm use DFS on set of vertices to set the min which satisfies the property .The algorithm works as follow:


• Function SetMin() take transpose of a graph . As discussed in section 22.5 in textbook the transpose of any graph can be obtained in. So user has to calculate it first and then pass it to SetMin().

• In SetMin() the first loop is used to set the color to white and min value as -1, which implies that initially it is unreachable from any vertex.

• Now after setting color and min value the next for loop in SetMin is used to iterate over the nodes in ascending order of labels of vertices. This will ensure that no node will get wrong min value.

• Also DFS () is only called on those vertices whose color are white because if the color is grey than it indicates that it has been already visited.

• In DFS () there are two parameter, one is the node on which DFS() will run and second one is root node used to set the min value to uncolored vertex as label of V.

• Also, one thing that is different from DFS() is that the root is not colored GREY because it may be possible that there are some vertex through which root can be visited and in that case assigning value is a must.

• If user colors the node to GREY it will be assigned value as -1 forever and as discussed in previous step this will give the wrong output.

• Also, the program colors all vertices which are in a tree except root and assigns the label of root to all those values.

• Since program iterates over increasing label nodes all nodes are assigned value in increasing order and once they are assigned they will be colored grey so that their value cannot be changed. This makes sure that all nodes will get min value.

• Since the program runs the normal Depth First Search and iterates each node and edge only once, the complexity should be.

Chegg Rip, Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition. [RipVer 0.1] (index)