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Decomposition of : The Decomposition of means to decompose a matrix into a product of lower triangular matrix and upper triangular matrix.

In Decomposition of the input is matrix and output is upper triangular matrix obtain by applying following row operation on .



And lower triangular matrix is given by

…… (1)

Consider a matrix,

Initially calculate the value of all entries other than 0 and 1 of equation (1).

Apply the row operation to the matrix A to find the upper triangular matrix U

Calculate the value of ,

…… (2)

Calculate the value of ,

…… (3)

Calculate the value of,

…… (4)

Calculate the value of ,

…… (5)

Apply row transformation to find upper triangular matrix.

Similarly calculate the value of,

…… (6)

Calculate the value of,

…… (7)

Calculate the value of,

…… (8)

Apply row transformation to find upper triangular matrix.

Calculate the value of,

…… (9)

Calculate the value of,

…… (10)

Apply row transformation to find upper triangular matrix.

Calculate the value of,

…… (11)

Apply row transformation to find upper triangular matrix.

Thus the upper triangular matrix is,

Substitute the value of equation (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10) and (11) in equation (1).

Hence, the value of lower triangular matrix

Hence, the Decomposition of is



Consider an expression,

To solve this, the following steps are followed:

• Express in its decomposition form.

Use forward substitution and evaluate.

• Use backward substation to evaluate.

Express in terms of LU decomposition ( ):

This can be solved by using forward and backward substitution steps.

Forward Substitution:


This is the forward substitution step in which we substitute in as. Since, values of is substituted to find the next value of, hence, this step is forward substitution step.

Putting the above in

Solve for:

…… (12)

…… (13)

…… (14)

…… (15)

…… (16)

Backward Substitution:

In this step, the value of found in previous step is used to compute the value of. This time we work backward from to, and, hence this step is called as backward substitution step.

Find from

Solve for

…… (17)

…… (18)

…… (19)

…… (20)

…… (21)

Hence, the solution of the systemobtain by forward substitution and backward substitution method is.


Inverse of matrix is a matrix such that, where is an identity matrix.

LU decomposition helps to solve problems of the form. This can be utilized to find inverse of matrix by setting up five sub-problems where each sub-problem corresponds to one column of the inverse matrix.

Solving for column1:

Forward Substitution


Solve for :

Backward Substitution

Find from

Solve for

Solving for column2:

Forward Substitution


Solve for:

Backward Substitution

Find from

Solve for

Solving for column3:

Forward Substitution


Solve for:

Backward Substitution

Find from

Solve for

Solving for column4:

Forward Substitution


Solve for:

Backward Substitution

Find from

Solve for

Solving for column5:

Forward Substitution


Solve for:

Backward Substitution

Find from

Solve for

Inverse of the matrix can be formed by using the five results which comprises the columns of the inverse matrix.



Let the matrix.

• A is positive definite matrix (All eigenvalues are positive)

• Symmetric matrix

• Tri-diagonal matrix

So, the matrix is of the following form:

This matrix being symmetric positive-definite, it is non-singular and hence, divide by 0 situation doesn’t arise and LU decomposition can be carried out without the need for pivoting.

Let for any vector, the equation to be solved is . This is done by following steps:

• LU Decomposition

• Forward Substitution

• Backward Substitution

LU Decomposition: The matrix is decomposed into unit lower triangular and upper triangular matrix, and. The decomposition looks like the following:


Then for:


#operations per step

#operations for n steps

Step 1

1 multiplication


Step 2

1 multiplication

1 addition



Step 3

• Total number of operations = 2 multiplications and additions

Forward Substitution:

After the decomposition,


This is the forward substitution step in which is substituted in as.

Then for:


#operations per step

#operations for steps

1 multiplication

1 addition



• Total number of operations = multiplications and additions

Backward Substitution: In this step, the value of found in previous step is used to compute the value of.

Find from

Solve for by using the following method:

Then for:


#operations per step

#operations for steps

2 multiplications

1 addition

2 multiplications


• Total number of operations = 2 multiplications and additions

Total number of operations = multiplications and additions

= multiplications and additions.

Hence, the time complexity of LU decomposition algorithm in this case will be

A system of equations can also be solved by using methods that require matrix inversion. Methods that require matrix inversion take approximately n! operations. This is asymptotically much higher than using LU decomposition to solve a system of equation. In fact, finding out inverse of a matrix is itself faster to compute by LU decomposition than other methods. This is because, LU decomposition takes time. But once, it has been calculated, two triangular matrices are obtained. Matrix calculations using triangular matrices is in general much faster and easier. Infact, calculating inverse of a matrix can be done with an additional time once the decomposition has been done into triangular matrices.

Hence, any method based on forming is asymptotically more expensive in the worst case than LU decomposition method for solving equations.


Let the matrix be.

• A is non-singular, hence, divide by 0 situation doesn’t arise and pivoting is not required. But for the sake of analysis time complexity by LUP decomposition has be calculated.

• Tri-diagonal matrix

So, the matrix is of the following form:

Let for any vector, the equation to be solved is. This is done by following steps:

• LUP Decomposition

• Forward Substitution

• Backward Substitution

Forward and Backward substitution take the same amount of operations as in the previous case. The only different case is the decomposition step. In this case, the decomposition is done into unit lower triangular and upper triangular matrix, and. The pivoting is done by the swapping rows such that the highest element of a column comes to the diagonal place. The decomposition looks like the following:

Here, loses the tri-diagonal property of matrix but it is still a banded matrix. The essence to solve this is similar to the tri-diagonal case. The time complexity now depends on the width of the band or the distance between the farthest diagonals of the resultant matrix. Matrix becomes wider than the upper triangle of the initial matrix. The final complexity becomes

Hence the time complexity of LUP decomposition algorithm will be .

Chegg Rip, Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition. [RipVer 0.1] (index)