



Converting linear program into standard form

Linear programming is a way of achieving the maximum possible outcome from a set of resources that are represented as an integrated mathematical design.

In the technical terms the linear programming is a way to achieve optimum results from the linear programming problems. This optimization is subject to a few constraints.

Standard form of linear program:

In a standard form there is a set of p real numbers that are, another set of q real numbers that are and a set ofreal numbers that arewhere,

Now the objective is to find p real numberssuch that


… … (1)

And that is subject to

… … (2)

… … (3)

The first expression is called the objective function. The second and the third expression show the constraints.

This way a linear program can be put into the standard form.

Process of changing the linear program into the standard form:

There might be the following reasons that prevent the linear program from being in standard form: 1. The objective function is minimized while it should be maximized for being in standard form. 2. The variable in the program do not follow the non-negativity constraint. 3. The equality constraint is not in proper form that means there might be a ‘’ sign instead of ‘’ sign. 4. The inequality constraint might not be in proper form that mean there might be a “” sign instead of “ “sign.

To remove these inequalities, the following steps have to be followed: 1. To remove the first inconsistency simple makes the coefficients in the objective function negative. 2. The second thing to do is to remove the non-negativity constraint. Suppose that the variable does not follow the non-negativity constraint. To remove this use as a substitute for and add the non-negativity constraint and. 3. For the third and fourthcase the expression can be gotten in the standard form by multiplying the constraint with –1.

Now, consider the below linear program:


Subject to:

First step to convert the linear equation into standard form:

If linear program is in minimization form then convert it into maximization form by changing the sign of expression but there are no changes in subject to expression.

Step 1:


Subject to:

In above maximize expression, all variables have negativity constraint so to make those variables in non-negativity constraint; replace the variables accordingly such as:


Step 2:

Considering the above changes, new expression becomes as


Subject to:

Now, converting the equality sign is into inequality sign;

Step 3:


Subject to

Now, convert the greater than or equal to constraint to less than or equal to constraint by multiplying the –1 into the constraint.

Step 4:


Subject to

Now for consistency in variable names, rename them as below:

After combining all the steps, the following form of the expression is as:


Subject to



Convex region: A convex region is that it fulfills the requirement that for any two points in the region all points on a line segment between them are also in the region.

Feasible region: If the constraints form a convex region, then the region formed is called feasible region and the problem will have feasible solution.

Feasible solution: Any settings of the variables that satisfy all the constraints (1), (2) and (3) is a feasible solution to the linear program.

Objective values: The values obtained by substituting the feasible solution values of the variables in the objective function are called objective values.

Optimal objective value and optimal solution: The maximum of all these objective values is called as optimal objective values and the feasible solution corresponding to these values is called as optimal solution.

Unbounded linear program: The linear program with some feasible solutions and does not have a finite optimal objective value is called as unbounded linear program.

Consider the following linear program:


subject to

Now the graph is plotted in the - Cartesian coordinate system for the constraints. The constraints are represented by the equations (1), (2) and (3).


Picture 1

If the graph is observed, the meshed region is the feasible region. The doted lines represent the objective function () at different feasible solutions. It is clear that the line of objective function can be moved far even parallel to itself in the direction of increasing.

Therefore, the objective value can be made arbitrarily large and the problem has no finite maximum objective value or optimal objective value. Hence, the given linear programming problem is unbounded.



Chegg Rip, Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition. [RipVer 0.1] (index)