
Consider the following polynomial:

Here, be a degree in and let be a constant.

The polynomial can be rewritten as shown below:


As , so there must be an integer such that for all .




If , then

For a given function m, denote as the set of functions given by

From the given statement , where is a constant.

From equations (1) and (2),

Hence from the definition, .


If , then

For a given function , denote as the set of functions given by

From the given statement , where is a constant.

From equations (1) and (3),

Hence from the definition, .


If , then

For a given function , denote As the set of functions given by

From the given statement , where is a constant.

From equation (1),

Hence from the definition, .


If , then

For a given function , denote as the set of functions given by

From the given statement , where is a constant.

From equations (1) and (4),

Hence from the definition, .


If , then

For a given function , denote as the set of functions given by

From the given statement , where is a constant.

From equations (1) and (5),

Hence from the definition, .


Relative asymptotic growths:

Picture 1

L' Hospital's Rule: In the case where f(n) and g(n) are differentiable functions and

, the limit of can be computed as the limit of their derivatives.



Apply L' Hospital's Rule k times,



By applications of L' Hospital’s rule,

Hence, .


sin n is a periodic function and takes the values in the range [-1, 1].

When sin n=1,

When sin n = -1,.


Hence, .



Take log on both sides.


Consider .

and thus

And thus,


The limit lies in the interval [1/2, 1].



Consider the following provided 30 functions:

, ,, ,,,,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Consider the following expression to arrange the function:

• The growth of exponential function is larger than any polynomial function. This means that the functions and are the 2 greatest function.

• It is already known.

This implies


Now, apply poweron both sides, therefore

• Consider function

(By using the binary logarithm).

• The iterated logarithmic functions are very slowly growing function.

The value of is the minimum number of logarithmic iteration at is less than 1.

Consider the following function:

Consider the following function:


• Consider the following function:

Using equation (3.19)

• Consider the following function:

Using equation (3.18)

Therefore, the following is the different equivalence class of each term. Here, the symbol > denotes notation.


Consider the following non-negative function for all function of part (a).

For any value of n, the best and worst time complexity of cannot be and .




Asymptotic notation is used to describe the running time of algorithm in term of function.

D:\My work\11.12.2015\Ambuj\image\1.png

big(O) notation: upper bound in above graph represents the big(O) notation.

…… (1)

notation: lower bound in above graph represents the notation.

…… (2)

In both equation (1) and (2), and are the positive constant

is asymptotically non-negative for all the positive constants c,

Such that

Since, from equation (2), the constant c is positive


…… (3)

Similarly, from equation (1),

…… (4)

Hence, from equation (3) and (4),


First discussion is on the omega and the omega infinity notation and then on the basis of this second discussion will be on its advantage or disadvantage,

Omega notation: It is denoted by symbol. It is an asymptotic lower bound notation. It is defined as,



• It has a wider range of values for the notations so a large range of the complexity

• can be analyzed.

• In notation the resource utilization is maximum.

• In notation running time of algorithm will be minimum.


As the range is not fixed so it is not possible to determine its limitation and its consequences to an indefinite analysis.


Consider the theorem 3.1,

When is substituted in place of but in the theorem 3.1 is used, then the” if and only if” direction will have modification as:

Because from the author definition,

If and only if


Consider the following formula of the soft theta and soft omega:

(Soft omega):

(Soft theta):

For any two function f(n) and g(n), the function if and only if and .

• These notation are similar to older one only difference is that here the logarithms factor extra added to them.

• This logarithm function used in the case of larger inputs.

• From the definition soft-oh is lower bound in nature and soft-omega is upper bound in nature and soft theta lies in between them.

So, it is obvious that if any function is equal to soft-theta then that function is also equal to soft omega.


Consider the following iterated function:

In above equation is an iterated function of f which is iterated ith times to reduce it to c or less than c.


Consider the following function:

It is required to reduce that function to 0 that is the values of c is 0.

Suppose theis iterated 1 more time therefore the becomes:

Similarly, when is iterated n time therefore, thebecome:

Therefore, it is required to iterate n times function f to reduce it to 0.

Hence, the iterated must be .

Consider the following function:

It is required to reduce that function to 1 that is the values of c is 1.

In logarithmic term when base is equal to its argument then only its answer gets 1.

Therefore, it is required to iterate times function f to reduce it to 1.

Hence, the iterated must be .

Consider the following function:

It is required to reduce that function to 1 that is the values of c is 1.

Suppose theis iterated 1 more time therefore the becomes:

Now, is again iterated, therefore the becomes:

After every iteration the function f gets halves itself. Similarly, when is iterated time therefore, thebecome:

Therefore, it is required to iterate times function f to reduce it to 1.

Hence, the iterated must be .

Consider the following function:

It is required to reduce that function to 2 that is the values of c is 2.

Suppose theis iterated 1 more time therefore the becomes:

Now, is again iterated, therefore the becomes:

After every iteration the function f gets halves itself. Similarly, when is iterated time therefore, thebecome:

In times the function f is reduces it 1. When function f is iterated one less than times then the value of function f at will double the value at times that is 2.

Hence, the iterated must be , ignoring the constant.

Consider the following function:

It is required to reduce that function to 2 that is the values of c is 2.

Suppose theis iterated 1 more time therefore the becomes:

Now, is again iterated, therefore the becomes:

After every iteration the function f power gets halves itself. Therefore after p iteration the become:

After p iteration, . Therefore, the value of p becomes .

Hence, the iterated must be to reduce function f to 2.

Consider the following function:

It is required to reduce that function to 1 that is the values of c is 1.

Suppose theis iterated 1 more time therefore the becomes:

Now, is again iterated, therefore the becomes:

After every iteration the function f power gets halves itself. Therefore after p iteration the become:

After p iteration, .

Hence, it is not possible to reduce function f into 1.

Consider the following function:

It is required to reduce that function to 2 that is the values of c is 2.

Suppose theis iterated 1 more time therefore the becomes:

Now, is again iterated, therefore the becomes:

Therefore after p iteration thebecome:

After p iteration, . Therefore, the value of p becomes .

Hence, the iterated must be to reduce function f to 2.

Consider the following function:

notation is used to determine lower bound it is because it is not symptomatically tight. Definition is as follows:

Now, define as a set.

Hence, the iterated will be to reduce function f to 2.

Chegg Rip, Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition. [RipVer 0.1] (index)