
Consider the following polynomials:

From , consider the coefficients as follows:

From , consider the coefficients as follows:

The equation 30.1 of chapter 30, section 30.1 in the textbook is as follows:


The degree bound of polynomial and is (n =) 4.

The polynomial is the obtained polynomial after multiplying polynomial and .

To calculate the value of substitute n = 4 in (1).

Substitute j = 0 in (2) to calculate the value of .

Substitute j = 1 in (2) to calculate the value of .

Substitute j = 2 in (2) to calculate the value of .

Substitute j = 3 in (2) to calculate the value of .

Substitute j = 4 in (2) to calculate the value of .

Substitute j = 5 in (2) to calculate the value of .

Substitute j = 6 in (2) to calculate the value of .

Now substitute the values of in equation (3).

Therefore, .


Evaluation of Polynomial

Consider a polynomial A(x), which has a degree bound of n. Degree bound of n means that x can have a maximum power of n. At a point x0, if the polynomial is divided by (x- x0), it provides a quotient q(x) which has a degree-bound of n-1 and r as remainder.

So, the polynomial can also be represented as:

Expansion of A(x) and q(x) can be given as:

Taking the value of A(x) as:

Taking value of remainder r at left side, the equation will be:

… … (a)

Substituting the value of A(x), the equation will be:

… … (1)

Taking right hand side of equation (a) which is given below:

Substituting the value q(x) of in the above equation, the equation can be given as:

Now, multiplying x and x0 with the expanded q(x), the equation can be written as:

As when x is multiplied with first extended part of q(x), this makes an increment in its degree bound. This is shown below:

Now, separating the coefficients of x which has similar degree, the equation can be given as:

Taking the similar coefficients of x as common, the equation can be written as:

… … (2)

Now here is the equation which shows equality of two polynomials, where polynomial have degree bound of n, which is valid for any x. This means that in both equations, coefficients of corresponding powers of should be equal.

Now, compare the equation (1) and (2) according to their co-efficient. In both equations, x has a degree of n for an and qn-1.

So, both of them will be equal. This can be given as:

Similarly, x has a degree of n-1 for an-1 and . So, both of them will be equal. This can be given as:

Similarly, x has a degree of n for an-2 and . So, both of them will be equal. This can be given as:

The coefficients are given. The coefficient is calculated from first equation. Using this and all the values can be calculated. The use of last equation is for finding the value of , since the value of is found out previously.

So, the number of steps needed to find and the value ofby using the above equations isand finding each coefficient takes a constant time.

So, the total number of steps to find and through this method is .


Point value representation: The point value representation of a polynomial say of degree bound is .

Here are distinct points and the points satisfy the condition,

Consider a polynomial,

…… (1)

Consider distinct points say

Substitute in (1)

Substitute in (1)


Thus the point value representation of a polynomial is

Such that

Consider a polynomial,

…… (2)

Consider distinct points say such that

Substitute in (2)

Substitute in (2)





Thus the point value representation of a polynomial is




Consider a set of n point-value pairs and a polynomial of degree k such that for. This can be represented by the following matrix:

The matrix on the left is represented by and is called the Vandermonde matrix. The polynomial is represented by.

• This multiplication is valid only if number of columns in matrix = number of rows in matrix. The matrixis supposed to have n rows because the polynomial has a degree n.

• Matrix is a square matrix created from the elements of the point-value pairs. It should have the order according to the previous statement.

Multiplying on both sides:

Thus, inverse matrix must exist for the unique polynomial of degree n to exist.

A matrix is said to be invertible only if its determinant exists.

Existence of determinant can be found out by the following method:

Each element of a row is same. So, if any two rows have the same element, then the determinant value becomes 0 and the matrix is not invertible.

If it is not invertible then cannot exist. So, specifying a unique polynomial of degree-bound n fails.

Therefore, for the matrix to exist there must be unique rows of matrix.

Hence it is proved that n distinct point-value pairs are necessary to uniquely specify a polynomial of degree-bound n .


The Lagrange’s formula is given as:

To show that this equation can be interpolated in time , the following procedure is followed:

• Show that the coefficient representation of can be computed in time

by using recursion. It can be shown that on multiplying by

takes time because the multiplication must be done n times so total run

time is .

• If the coefficient representation of is then in order to multiply by set for i= 1,2,3…k. The time to compute the next product is because each of these coefficients can be computed in constant time.

• Now, compute for each k, which takes the running time as .

• Thus, remainder obtained is so, each is computed in time .

So, the total time to compute all the values is

Therefore, each term of the expression which includes the division of by multiplied by takes time and on summation the time complexity is .

Hence, the summation of n polynomials take time:



Consider the sets and . These sets contain integers in the range from 0 to .

Now, compute the Cartesian sum of and . Cartesian sum of and is given by,

To find their sum, represent the two sets, and , in the polynomial form. In the polynomial form, set can be represented as follows:

and set can be represented as follows:

As the maximum range of sets and is , the polynomial and are of degrees at most .

The sum of two polynomials of degree-bound is a polynomial of degree-bound .

Increase the degree-bounds of the polynomial and to by adding high-order coefficients of 0 because the polynomials (can be considered as vectors) have elements.

Now, use complex roots of unity, which can be denoted by the terms. Provided a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), compute the polynomial addition of two polynomials and in times using the following algorithm.

• Create a coefficient representation of and as degree-bound polynomials by adding high-order coefficients of 0 to each.

• Compute point value representation of and of length using the two applications of the FFT of order . These representations contain the value of the two polynomials at the roots of unity.

• Compute a point-value representation for the polynomial by adding these values together point wise. This representation contains the value of at each roots of unity.

• Create the coefficient representation of the polynomial through a single application of an FFT on point value pairs to compute the inverse (converting the polynomial to set form).

Analysis of the algorithm:

• In steps-1, adding high-order coefficients take a time of .

• In steps-2, computing point value representation of and of length takes a time of .

• In steps-3 computing a point-value representation for the polynomial takes a time of .

• In steps-4, creating the coefficient representation of the polynomial through a single application of an FFT takes a time of .

Calculate the total time complexity of the algorithm by adding the time taken by each step.

Hence, the sum of two polynomials of degree-bound can be computed in time , with both the input and output representation forms.

Chegg Rip, Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition. [RipVer 0.1] (index)