
Consider, if .

Now, prove that .

It is provided that

The above equation states that is divisible by . It can be represented as follows:

There exists some integer where is said to be the quotient such that,

From the above statement, it concludes that divides.

It is provided that and are relatively prime. So, cannot divides . That is,

Therefore, divides

Hence, the equation whenever is proved.

The counter example to prove is necessary and it is provided as follows:

Assume that and .

Now, calculate the greatest common divisor of and as below:

It is known that 2 is greater than 1 and it satisfies that the given condition.

Put the value of and n in equation.


It can be said that, divides that is .

Now, from the property of division and GCD, divides and also divides which will be depend on the value of which may be true or not.

But if , then must divides.

Therefore, it is necessary that for to imply.

Hence given statement is proved.


The procedure MODULAR–LINEAR–EQUATION–SOLVER (a, b, n) is used to solve the modular linear equation. Refer chapter 31, section 31.4 of the text book for the complete algorithm.

Consider the line 3 of the procedure MODULAR–LINEAR–EQUATION–SOLVER (a, b, n) is replaced with the following line:


The procedure MODULAR–LINEAR–EQUATION–SOLVER(a, b, n) still works even if the line 3 is replaced with the above line.

The for loop in line 5 helps in maintaining the consistency of the procedure. It will neutralize the effect of changing the line 3 and iterate till the required solution. The iterative step finds the actual solution.

For example, consider the following equation:

The procedure MODULAR–LINEAR–EQUATION–SOLVER(10, 35, 50) will generate the numbers 46, 6, 16, 26, 36 as output, before replacing the line 3.

Now, consider the procedure MODULAR–LINEAR–EQUATION–SOLVER(10, 35, 50) after replacing the line 3.

The procedure EXTENDED–EUCLID (50, 35) in line 1 returns 5, -2, and 3 and they will be stored in respectively. That is, .

The value of in line 3 is calculated as follows:

The for loop in line 4 iterates 5 times from . It computes and prints the value of .

The calculations are performed and output is generated as follows:

Hence, the procedure after replacing line 3 in the procedure MODULAR–LINEAR–EQUATION–SOLVER(10, 35, 50) generates 6, 16, 26, 36, 46 as output.

Therefore, the output generated by the procedure before and after replacing the line 3 is the same.


Polynomial congruence:

Consideris prime and a polynomial of degree t. The polynomial is given below:

The coefficients is obtained from the and satisfies the condition is equal to zero of if.

Consider p is not a prime.

Then the prime factorization of p is possible. The polynomial should be solved for following cases:

In the cases given above, are the factors of prime numbers and represents their respective powers. Suppose the value of p is 175, then the factors will be 5, 5 and 7. This leads to finding solutions for 5, 7 and 25.

Now prove that if a is a zero of f , then

for some polynomial of degree .

Since a is a zero of f




Calculate .




That is, is a polynomial of degree .

Now, use mathematical induction on t.

Base step:

Consider , then polynomial will be of the following form:


To find the solution of above polynomial of degree one, use

Since p is a prime, . It is because only 1 will be single number which is a multiple of f1 and p.

If , then the linear congruence always has a unique solution, otherwise the number of solutions are determined with the use of g|b for equation , where g is gcd(a, n).

Hence, the result holds for .

Assumption step:

Assume that this result is true for the polynomial of degree t – 1.

Induction step:

Now use the above result for t – 1 to prove this result for polynomial of degree t.

The following congruence either has no solution or at least one solution.

If it has no solution then there is nothing to prove.

So, consider the case when the above congruence has at least one solution (say a).

From the above result, if a is a zero of f , then

for some polynomial of degree .

If b is another solution out of the incongruent solutions of , then

Since b is incongruent to a.


Thus, any solution of which is different from a also satisfy

where g(x) is a polynomial of degree t – 1

By assumption, the polynomial of degree t – 1 has at most t – 1 incongruent solution.

So, the congruence has at most t – 1 incongruent solution.

Hence, the congruence has at most n incongruent solutions.

Therefore, if p is prime, then a polynomial of degree t can have at most t distinct zeros modulo p.

Chegg Rip, Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition. [RipVer 0.1] (index)