
Find the Asymptotic Bounds


Consider the following recurrence:

Apply the master theorem and compare this recurrence with

From the specified recurrence, a = 2 and b = 4.

Calculate as shown below:




Therefore, Case-1 of the master theorem can be applied as the solution.

Thus, the solution is,


Consider the following recurrence:

Apply the master theorem and compare this recurrence with

From the specified recurrence, a = 2 and b = 4.




Therefore, Case-2 of the master theorem can be applied as the solution.

Thus, the solution is,


Consider the following recurrence:

Apply the master theorem and compare this recurrence with

From the specified recurrence, a = 2 and b = 4.




Therefore, Case-3 of the master theorem can be applied as the solution.

Thus, the solution is,


Consider the following recurrence:

Apply the master theorem and compare this recurrence with

From the specified recurrence, a = 2 and b = 4.




Therefore, Case-3 of the master theorem can be applied as the solution.

Thus, the solution is,

(no answer available from chegg)


Refer the Theorem 4.1 (Master Theorem) given on page 94 of chapter 4. In this theorem, it is defined that the recurrence will be solved by the mater theorem, if it is in any form of the three cases.

Now consider the given recurrence.

Here, then, .


Check the first and second cases of master theorem:

• For the given recurrence, the function

• Now, it can easily bees seen that or

• Also, or.

So, it does not form the first and the second cases.

Check third case of master theorem:

Here, is asymptotically greater than but not polynomial greater or larger.

This is the main criteria of the third case. So, the recurrencedoes not form the third case.

Hence, from the above explanation, the recurrencedoes not form the any of the three cases of master method.

Therefore, it is not possible to apply master method on the recurrence .

Apply the substitution method and guess the solution.

The substitution techniques requires to guess the solution by assuming that:

Substitution into the recurrence yields:

Here, the value of lg 2 is constant so it can be ignored.

Hence, an asymptotic upper bound for the recursion is


Regularity condition in Master theorem is for some constant,.

Refer Theorem 4.1 of text book for Master theorem.

Define a piecewise function as follows:

Consider a = 3 and b = 2 (here, ).

There exists an, such that both cases of holds.

Therefore, the function satisfies all the conditions except regularity condition.

Verify whether the function satisfies the regularity condition or not.

If , then .

Since, for any number d, there always exists a number (example ).


when n >> b (n is too larger than b).

The function does not satisfy the regularity condition for large n, such that is an integer.

Therefore, this is a required function , that satisfies all the conditions in the case 3 of the master theorem, except the regularity condition.

Chegg Rip, Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition. [RipVer 0.1] (index)