
Consider the Master theorem provided in Theorem 4.1 of section 4.5. This theorem is used to determine the asymptotic bound of recurrence.


Consider the following recurrence:

For this recurrence,

Therefore, becomes

Since,, where .


Now solve the above equation to find the value of .

So, and .

Therefore, Case 3 of master theorem can be applied on this recurrence.

Hence, solution becomes .


Consider the following recurrence:

For this recurrence,

Therefore, becomes

Since, , where


Now solve the above equation to find the value of .

So, and

Therefore, Case 3 of master theorem can be applied on this recurrence.

Hence, solution becomes.


Consider the following recurrence:

For this recurrence

Therefore, becomes

Since, .

Therefore, Case 2 of master theorem can be applied on this recurrence.

Hence, solution becomes.


Consider the following recurrence:

For this recurrence

Therefore, becomes

The value of lies in between 1 and 2.

Since,, where


Now solve the above equation to find the value of .

So, and .

Therefore, Case 3 of master theorem can be applied on this recurrence.

Hence, solution becomes.


Consider the following recurrence:

For this recurrence

Therefore, becomes

The value of lies in between 2 and 3

Since,, where .

Therefore, Case 1 of master theorem can be applied on this recurrence.

Hence, solution becomes.


Consider the following recurrence:

For this recurrence

Therefore, becomes


Therefore, Case 2 of master theorem can be applied on this recurrence.

Hence, solution becomes.


Consider the following recurrence:

The above recurrence can be evaluated by using the substitution method. On applying the substitution method, the recurrence relation is given as,

In general, the above recurrence leads to,

Now, let

So, the above equation can be rewritten as,

From the above solution, the series is the sum of squares of natural even numbers.

Therefore, the sum of squares of series of first even natural numbers is,

So, the above obtained expression is given as,

From the above it is clear that .

Therefore, by using the substitution method the asymptotic notation is obtained as Hence, solution becomes.


Binary search algorithm searches an element by comparing it with middle element. If element to be searched is equals to the middle element then it returns position where the element is found.

If element to be searched is greater than middle element then lower bound becomes and upper bound remains same.

If element to be searched is smaller than middle element then upper bound becomes and lower bound remains same. Search continues until the element.


1. When an array is passed by a pointer to binary search function:

Recurrence for binary search when array is passed as a pointer is,

Use master theorem to solve the above recurrence.

For this recurrence

Therefore, becomes


Therefore Case 2 of master theorem can be applied on this recurrence.

Hence, the solution is.

2. When whole array is passed by copying, instead of pointer, to binary search function:

Recurrence for binary search when array is passed is,

Hence, the solution is.

3. When an array is passed by copying such that only the sub range of size n can be accessed by the binary search function:

Recurrence for binary search when array is passed sub range is,

Use master theorem to solve above recurrence.

For this recurrence

Therefore, becomes

Since, where


, Where

Therefore Case 3 of master theorem can be applied on this recurrence.

Hence, the solution is.


Merge sort is a divide and conquer algorithm. It divides the unsorted list into n sub lists. Each list contains one element. Then it merges these sub lists to generate a single sorted array.

1. When an array is passed by a pointer to merge sort function:

Recurrence for merge sort when pointer is passed to merge sort function is,

Use master theorem to solve above recurrence.

For this recurrence

Therefore, becomes


Therefore Case 2 of master theorem can be applied on this recurrence.

Hence, the solution is.

2. When whole array is passed by copying, instead of pointer, to merge sort function:

Recurrence when array is passed by copying in merge sort is,

Hence, the solution is.

3. When an array is passed by copying such that only the sub range of size n can be accessed by merge sort function:

Recurrence when array is passed by copying in merge sort is,

Use master theorem to solve above recurrence.

For this recurrence

Therefore, becomes


Therefore Case 2 of master theorem can be applied on this recurrence.

Hence, the solution is.


Consider the Master theorem that can be used to determine the asymptotic bound of recurrence. Also consider substitution method also to determine asymptotic bounds on the recurrence T(n).

Consider the following recurrence:

For this recurrence

Therefore, becomes.

The value of lies in between 1 and 2. That is 1.261

Since,, where

Therefore, by the case 1 of master theorem, the solution for the given recurrence is can be applied on this recurrence.

Hence, solution is

Consider the following recurrence:

Substitute T(n) values recursively, in the above recurrence relation.

The above series is in harmonic progression series

Therefore, there sum can be written as

Hence, solution is .

Consider the following recurrence:

For this recurrence

Therefore, becomes

Since,, where


Therefore, by case 3 of master theorem the solution for the given recurrence is =.

Hence, solution becomes

Consider the following recurrence:

For this recurrence ignore the constant -2.

Therefore, becomes.

Since,, by case 2 of master theorem the solution for the given recurrence is .

Hence, solution is .

Consider the following recurrence:

Substitute T(n) values recursively, in the above recurrence relation.

The above series is harmonic progression series

Therefore, there sum can be written as

Hence, solution becomes.

Consider the following recurrence:

Initially n is divided into. Further is divided into, also is further divided into and so on.

From above it, can be concluded that

Substitution method is used in following evaluation to show that



Consider the following recurrence:

Substitute T(n) values recursively, in the above recurrence relation.

Hence, solution becomes.

Consider the following recurrence:

Substitute T(n) values recursively, in the above recurrence relation.

Hence, solution becomes.

Consider the following recurrence:

This can be evaluate as

Hence, solution becomes.

Consider the following recurrence:

Apply substitution method on the above recurrence relation.

Guess T(n) = .

Thus, it is enough to prove that, T(n) .

Assume recurrence

Substituting value into the recurrence yields

Hence, solution becomes.


The properties of Fibonacci numbers are depicted by the following recurrence:

The generating function is mathematically defined as follows:

Here, is the ith Fibonacci number.


Consider the following expression:

Hence, the expression is proved.


Consider the following equation:

Hence, the expression is proved.


Consider the following function:

Recall the generating function F as follows:


Hence, the expression is proved.


Consider the following expression:

The absolute value of the second base is .

Hence, for all i.

From (c), use the following and proceed as follows:

Here, the second term is less than 1/2 in absolute value.


Consider there are n chips which have capability to check the other chip. The professor’s jig can check only 2 chips at a time. A good chip always provides the accurate result whereas the bad chip result is not trustable.

• Suppose, there are k good chips which always provide the accurate result. Therefore, there arebad chips which provide inaccurate result.

• As it is also provided that number of bad chips are greater than number of good chips.

• When bad chips are loaded with good chips in jig, then the bad chips declare themselves as good chips and say other chips are bad. Similarly, the good chips declare themselves as good chips and say other chips are bad.

• The conclusion will always state that at-least one is bad and thus the professor may not conclude which chip is good and which chip is bad.

Therefore no strategy based on pairwise test is useful to determine which chip is good, if the set of chips contains bad chips more than half of size.

Consider the following steps to reduce the number of chips to half the size:

• First divide the n chips into two groups.

• Now, take two chips, one from each group, and apply pairwise test.

• Select chips when conclusion is both are good, or both are bad.

• Remove all the pairs which conclude at least one is bad. All these pairs contain one bad chip and one good chip. That is, when removing this type of pair, one good chip and a bad chip is removed.

• So after testing all pairs, the number of reaming chips is one of nearly half the size.

• Since previously, equal number of bad chips and good chips are removed, for the remaining n/2 chips, the statement ‘more than n/2 of the chips are good’, still holds.

• So, after removing these chips, user will have n/2 chips with good chips more than half.

• Repeat the above steps until only a good chip is left. Each iteration takes comparisons and makes the size of the remaining chips to half.

Hence, only comparisons are required to reduce the number chips to half.

• In pairwise test at first comparison are performed to compare n chip. After that, comparisons are made to compare chip. The comparison goes on till only one chip is left.

• Therefore the recurrence relation becomes:

For this recurrence

Therefore, becomes

• Since,, where .

Therefore, Case 3 of master theorem can be applied on this recurrence.

Hence, solution becomes


Chegg Rip, Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition. [RipVer 0.1] (index)