


Consider the quadratic expression:

achieves a maximum over when or.

If then we have


If then we have


Alternative solution using derivatives:

achieves a maximum over when or .

Clearly we can say that by the expression achieves a maximum over the parameter’s range at either end point, means or as can be seen since the second derivative of the expression with respect to q is positive.

First derivative of

Second derivative:


Which is greater than 0 i.e. positive


which is also greater than 0 i.e. positive

So, that we can easily say that expression achieves maximum over


The running time of RANDOMIZED-QUICKSORT depends on the number of calls n to PARTITION and X i.e., the total number of comparisons, between pairs of elements in an array A of size n.

The expected running time of RANDOMIZED-QUICKSORT iscan be shown by first showing, .

Let the elements in array A in increasing order of value be,

z1 < z2 < · · · < zn. This is only for the purpose of analysis.

For 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, let to be the set of elements between and of the array A.

The indicator random variable, is used to calculate the lower bound on the number of comparisons.

Take expectations of X on both sides and use linearity of expectation. Then,

Hence, the expected running time of RANDOMIZED-QUICKSORT is .


In QUICKSORT algorithm, the expected running time is as the recursion stops at level . There will be subarrays of size k in the resulting array.

The INSERTON-SORT takes time to sort the entire array. This is equivalent to sorting each of the subarrays of size k .

Thus, this sorting algorithm runs in the expected time.

The value of k must be chosen in such a way that it does not exceed the expected running time of QUICKSORT.

If it is chosen very big, then the cost of insertion will be greater than. Hence, k must be between 1 and .


Chegg Rip, Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition. [RipVer 0.1] (index)